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Tuesday, 26 May 2020


I forgot about this blog. I sincerely completely forgot!

It is not that I haven't been reading...that would be a travesty! I am ashamed at having ignored this pace for so many years. Myself...I am ashamed of you! This blog is mainly for my own consumption though and it helps or was meant to help me remember the books I have read and what I thought of them.

What I currently reading? I finally got my hands on a copy of Trevor Noah's "Born a Crime". Next on my reading list is "Becoming" by Michelle Obama. I have resisted reading these books for a long time because at some point...it all felt like a reading fad. But I do admire both of them greatly and am glad I am finally coming round to reading the books!

I promise not to be that person who abandons a blog for 6 years!! Gosh damn it....who even does that? I will be back....