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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

A long time coming

Hi guys!

Boy..hasn't it been a while. Each time I see a copy of "Living History" am reminded of how I haven't finished penning down my thoughts. It's been a busy time....and whilst I have exams around the corner, I feel compelled to finally finish this so that once am fully back post-exams....we can look at a new book...isn't it?

Now...to begin with, I finished reading the book a couple of weeks back and I must say...the details are foggy and grey ;-). Please do forgive me. I rushed through the last couple of pages....dying to finish the damn book! Like I had said earlier....it's NOT an easy, breezy read. Now that am done with the book.....this is what I can say in summary..

She is Human!

Am talking about Hillary Rodham Clinton of course (just in case you are reading my blog for the first time). She is simply human. I can confirm that she had some really good days....some bad days....and some awful days. Like the day she found out from Bill that he had been lying to her all along about the Lewinsky story. She takes the reader behind the scenes to witness a glimpse of her pain...and the fact that she behaved like any other woman....or so we would like to think. The truth is, she controlled her pain, she respected her husband and did not put him down publicly and she took time out to grieve and deal with her pain. She never brought her drama to the public....at least from what I know. And that, people....that is not how every other woman would take it. In times like this, we like to bring the drama on...we turn it to full volume, so that all the neighbours can hear it (at least), see it and sometimes, we take the drama over to the neighbours house too. We rave and rant and want to show the world how "wronged" we are and how "men are all lying, cheating "xxxx". Well, it's normal to WANT to react that way. What takes a lot of effort, grace and maturity is reacting the way Hillary did. She certainly gave Bill a piece of her mind but in the public eye, she carried her pain with maturity and grace. Now, that's a woman I admire. Well...on her humanity again, as you read the book, you will discover she made a couple of blunders and is quick to admit them. So there....she is human.

A Political Power House

Bill didn't introduce Hillary to politics. It was running in her veins all along. She did a lot of work prior to meeting him and continued with it after they started dating and after they were married. I wish I could bore you with the details herein....but one bored person is enough. Let's not spread it to the rest of the world. If you love politics and especially are interested in America's political history, please read the book. It's full of historical details and other nuggets on the Clinton Administration. A part of me found it fascinating and if I applied myself, I would most certainly have delved into it but I chose not to. Perhaps in the next couple of years when I develop a keener interest in politics, I will take time to re-read the book again.

Technical Competence

Loads and loads of it! Pouring out of her ears, nose and mouth...but I suppose you already knew that...didn't you?

Protective Mother

She did her best to keep Chelsea out of the media and constantly protected her against any undue attention.

Sometimes, what we are looking for is an easy read, a light hearted book - this is not it. However, if you are looking for a serious, educative read full of political nuggets....pick up this book now!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - A tribute to the late Stephen R. Covey

I first heard of the book from my sister who had interacted with his material. In a word, she told me that I simple had to attend the programme. I never thought that I would have an opportunity to interact deeply with his material, leave alone meet him in person....but only God knows the future....and if he had told me what lay ahead, I would have probably told me "you've got to be kidding".

In 2004, the impossible became possible and I began working with the organization that represented Dr. Covey's organization locally. I got the opportunity to read the book and attend the 3 day programme. As the people who had that privilege can attest - it was and still remains today an absolutely life changing experience! We are not talking about flimsy, self-help mambo jambo but rather deep reaching, practical life principles! His video's were piercing, provoking - honestly, only a blind and deaf person would walk away unchanged because you CANNOT interact with his material and remain the same.

When I finally got to meet him in 2006, it was such a pleasurable experience. He is one of the few people I have met who smiles with his eyes and has such a deep, honest, warm gaze that reaches deep into your heart. I could see immediately, that he lives what he teaches. His first question to me was "Vickee...do you have a boyfriend?" :-). I can't remember what I told him....only that I blushed and blushed! I should have asked him if one of his sons was still single ;-). My colleagues and I spent one and a half hours locked up in a room with him....and we got to share some special moments. One of the funny things he taught us was to not to say "Cheers" as we took photos but rather to say 'Eight" because it's impossible to say "Eight" without smiling. Try it and see! He was warm, kind, loving and an absolute gentleman. Here we are trying the eight thing out!

Say "Eight"! - Nairobi, Kenya

Out of all the 'Guru's" I have met.....I admired him the most. A few years later, I had the privilege of heading the section that oversaw the partnership with FranklinCovey, SA and I got the opportunity to delve deeper into his material around Time Management, Execution, Leadership, Trust etc. Solid...ROCK SOLID is all I can say. Many organizations and individuals globally have greatly benefited from his works. Around execution, I cannot forget the processes I learnt from the "4 Disciplines of Execution" or 4Dx as it is known internally within FranklinCovey. I also had the opportunity to meet him again in Cape Town in 2008.

As a parent, I plan to bring up my son knowing the love of Jesus Christ & his principles PLUS the 7 Habits as part of the life principles that he MUST live by and pass on to generations to come. I have a copy of the " The 7 Habits for Kids", beautifully illustrated and waiting for Levi to learn how to read.

I feel such a deep sadness at his passing but am more determined to make sure that I do the things I have purposed to do around sharing his material. One of the key ones is giving out his books to students who are performing poorly in school and who have given up on themselves as I believe the principles can transform their lives. Here is a summary of the 7 Habits.

RIP SRC...true to your teachings, you have left a strong LEGACY.

I shed tears for you sir.....I truly do!

Other Books by Dr. Stephen R. Covey

  • The Leader in Me
  • First Things First
  • The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
  • Living the 7 Habits
  • Beyond the 7 Habits

For more information, visit www.stephencovey.com or www.franklincovey.com

If you have never read the 7 Habits, go out and buy a copy now!