The truth is..I have never baked anything in my life. It has always been one of those things that was just not me...the baking part...not the eating one. However, I think as I grow older the art of cooking is connivingly attaching itself to me and I find myself thoroughly enjoying it and producing wonderful meals to boost! I suppose that means I need to bake a cake soon. Now my family still find it hard to believe I can produce a great meal. Even when they are seated right there eating it! I used to tell my mum that I had no talent for cooking. To prove it was true, I made terrible meals. Not on purpose though :-)..well at least not all the time. Therefore, it became a written rule. Cooking was not one of my chores as I grew up! Yeah!! On the other hand, I cleaned up pretty well. As a child, I was obsessed with keeping my parents room neat. It was so frustrating because neither one of them had any such obsession with neatness. In fact, they were both very good at creating messes and I was very good at cleaning up after them. Eventually, I stilled myself and managed to stop doing it. It seem like a hopeless task. My mum misses it though :-). Oh yes...back to cooking. So, if I am NOT baking cakes in Nairobi, what is this post about?
Baking cakes in Kigali by Gaile Parkin
To begin with, I need to find out if Gaile is white because if she is...she is doing pretty well telling the story of a Tanzanian woman who has relocated to Kigali with her husband post the genocide..and you guessed it! She is now Baking cakes in Kigali.
Other than attaching the beautiful photo of the book below...I have nothing else to share because am still reading it. Am on page 76 to be exact, so will be back with a bit more detail!
Gaile and her cakes in Kigali...? what became of them?